Sunday, July 09, 2006

I got busted

Yesterday I was out to eat at this good deli place. Anyway, I got up to use the bathroom. It had a been a long day and I was hungry and tired and apparently zipping my pants wasn't something I felt necessary to do as I exited that bathroom w/my capri's unzipped (but buttoned). I got a couple of steps out and realize oopsy my pants are unzipped! So no one is around and I figure I'll just keep walking and zip. However, I turn the corner and there is this man who totally sees me do it. So I stop mid-zip look down then think "F*ck it" and zip them up the rest of the way. Of course I have to walk right past him and he totally busts me and gives me this knowing grin. I was totally embarrassed! The guy looked like Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite but with a mullet! That made me feel a little less embarrassed that I was busted by a man w/a mullet in 2006.

1 comment:

Alexa said...

hehe busted by a mullet man.