Sunday, August 28, 2005

Concert, Friends, Scotty's etc.

Wow what a creative title I came up with. I've been sitting here for the last couple of minutes tryign to come up with somethign and this is the best I could come up with. The extremely boring title will have to do

Concert. Ginger, Kelly, Erica and myself went to see Kelly Clarkson at Elliot Hall of Music. It was much fun! We would always sing along to "breakaway" and "since u been gone" at work so when we saw she was coming to town we had to go. There were so many little girls there. A lot of college aged girls too though, so we didnt feel all that out of place...haha. Kelly can rock! Her voice is awesome and she sang a new song from her next album, it was really good...looking forward to it coming out.

Friends. I got to see lots of my buddies this weekend. Spent Friday night w/ Ginger, Kelly and Erica. It was good to see them all. I miss how ginger and I come up w/these elaborate silly stories about things. For instance, we weren't quite sure if we had a fourth person going w/us. So ginger and i come up w/this story about how we will have to tak her cat as our fourth person but that they'd probably tell us no animals allowed. However I DID NOT see any "no animals allowed" signs, just no digital cameras or professional photography. After I hung out w/Lexie and she gave me these personality tests and then we killed red spiders at 2 a.m. Good times! I also got to see my sister who is also my friend. We went to lunch on saturday and just chatted about stuff. It was nice. Tried to hang out w/Kurt but he worked the whole weekend. I also talked w/Lisa (who is Alexa's friend) for a loooong time just hanging out in starbucks wasting time. I enjoyed it.

Scotty's. Ok so we used to go to Scotty's for dinner or lunch like at least once a week for a good few months this past winter/spring. Then we got tired of it, probably gained some weight from it, and probably gave way more of our paychecks to them then we needed to. So we stopped going. Anyway, Lisa, Lexie and I went to dinner there and it was goooooooood! I miss the monty's frisco and waffle fries.

etc. Whenever I go back to visit my old home I realize how much I miss it. I miss my friends mostly. It's always so good to see everyone. I just feel so comfortable when I'm back there. I know where everything is. It seems I can go most places and at least recognize, if not know people just from being around the area for such a long time.

Ok that's it.... Peace

Friday, August 12, 2005

Yay for Presents!

So I bought myself a present today! Since being promoted I have some spending money which is awesome! Anyway, my Ipod has been my best friend lately (not really but I've been using it ALOT). So I decdied I wanted an FM transmitter for it so I could listen to all my songs when driving. I can't wait to try it out. Tomorrow I'm driving down to indy/home for Abby's bachelorette party! Can't wait, I'll get to see Abby, Lexie, Kelly, Hillary and Heather! CAN'T WAIT! I've worked nine days in a row so I could have these two days off. Um lets see what else is going on... talked to Lexie yesterday for the first time since her trip. It was nice chatting w/her. Talked to Kurt last night too...nice chatting w/him since we havent talked in a while. Christine is going to the Clay Aiken concert tonight...i'm jealous! BUT I get to go see Kelly Clarkson exactly 2 weeks from today! Well time for work...can't wait till tonight is done with b/c then I get to go home and see my family and friends!

One More Thing! I think I am falling apart...Last night I sat w/an ice pack on my shoulder and two burn gel packs on my chest and left wrist. My shoulder is doing some funky things and hopefully will be all better soon. I burned myself w/200 degree water last night and it hurt like HELL! I have to say I was quite impressed w/the burn gel stuff b/c it made it feel a lot better. Ok, hopefully next time I update I won't have some other injury to report.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Bad Drivers Really Set Me Off!

So, now that I live in a new town and have been traveling back and forth b/ween my new home and old home I've been experiencing lots of shitty drivers on the way. Each time I am travelling back and forth (about two and a half hours each way) I find myself cursing in between all the singing I do to pass the time. My cursing is in reaction to all the shitty drivers I encounter! I definitely have mild to moderate road rage... I think i get it from my dad. Now I will never be one of those crazy people who try to run bad drivers off the road b/c I get so angry w/them or pull out a gun and start shooting at them (wait I don't own a gun, I do own some bullets however... but now I'm just digressing) like some crazy man did in a made for tv movie w/road rage. However, I do swear at them at the top of my lungs hoping they'll see me in their mirror, flip them the bird, and give them dirty looks and finally I pass them when I've had enough. So here's a few experiences I've had travelling back and forth that really, really pissed me off:

- One day I am driving through this little town making all these turns and zig-zags and this man on a motorcycle is in front of me going seriously 20 mph when the speed limit is 30. I am starting to get mad b/c I hate driving through this town b/c of all the turns and zig-zags and stop lights. Anyway he is looking at everyting but the damn road! After about 10 minutes of following him and yelling he decides to slowly and w/out warning turn to the right on to this small side street. I have to slam by brakes on b/c it took him serioulsy 3 days to make the turn! Soon as he finally turned I sped away and continued singing along to Kelly Clarkson...everything was good again.

- Most of my driving while travelling b/ween homes is through farmland...YAY. There's nothing like the smell of fresh manure and tractors out numbering cars on the road. These tractors piss me off too. They also drive super slow and hold up traffic. I can't stand when traffic is held up b/c there's a tractor on the road and it's in a no passing zone. Then you have the people who won't pass them once we are in a passing zone. Yes, passing can be scary, but we are out in the middle of no where so there's usually plenty of oppurtunities to pass...unless there's tractors going in both directions holding up traffic. Anyway, this gets me evertyime!

-Finally this isn't really about a bad driver just a cocky driver whos ego can be measured by all the stupid bumpers stickers he has on the back of his "pimped out" eclipse. I saw this driving through the town I hate to drive through. First it made me mad at how oblivious this perosn was, then I just laughed. I am driving behind this Eclipse and he has one of those stupid calvin from calvin and hobbes stickers on it peeing on some rival car's company name. He also had some bumper sticker saying something along the lines of size matters, and finally he had a bumper sticker that said soemthing to the affect of "no fat girls allowed b/c my car bottoms out easily". I was like man if only I could see this stud! Sure enough he stops and parks in front of a building AND we get a red light. I'm thinking "Yes I get to see this cocky bastard...if he ever gets his ass out of his tinted, spoilered, decaled, hot car" Finally, he lifts himself out and what do you know!? he himself is tubby bordering on fat! I was like come on! You put that bumper sticker on your car and YOU are fat! I so wanted to yell something at him about himself being fat, but I didn't. I didn't have the guts to do it.

Anyway, yea those are a few of my enounters w/bad drivers
