Sunday, December 11, 2005

R.I.P. Ipod :(

My Ipod, my best friend at times, is gone! Some A-hole stole it.... GRRR. This happened probably about three weeks ago and I'm just now able to think about it w/out getting completely worked up. My ipod was stolen from my glove compartment when I took my car in to get it serviced. Yes, it was not the best thing on my part to leave it in there......I forgot I had it in there though! Plus, I guess I am a trusting person in that I didn't even think to check my glove compartment because why would someone who is changing my oil look in my glove compartment. Well, aparently some people do look in glove compartments. GRRRR.

Since I lost it everytime I see an ipod commercial I cringe. I don't know what to do. I don't want to buy a new one but I want one. We'll see. Maybe I'll buy myself a new one with my tax return in the spring. Last spring I bought a kick-ass digital camera w/my tax return. I'll could start an anual tradition of buying some really expensive piece of technology with my money I get back from taxes.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Go back to the North Pole Dasher and Dancer!

So the other night I'm driving along. It's about 10 pm and I'm driving down this stretch of road that is in a some what woodsy area. On this stretch of road there is a deer crossing sign posted. I have to say I've seen those signs often enough on roads but never have really seen deer crossing the road. Anyway, I see this sign and sure enough 2.7 seconds later I see a flippin deer walking across the road. There's a car coming towards me in the other lane so I can't swerve to avoid it. I SLAM my brakes on instead. My anti-lock breaks kick in and I seriously think I was inches away from hitting it. Everyting in my car goes flying forward (including me). The entire contents of my pursue spilled everywhere. This experience was really, really scary! My body had all these reactions!

Flash forward 2 days...I'm driving again around 5 in the morning. Same stretch of road and there's another deer just chilling in the road. But this time I was prepared. I was taking precaution and driving under the speed limit, scanning for deer. This time I just had to come to a stop and beep my horn at the deer to get out of the road. It still scared me though.

So I tell my dad about these two instances and he tells me that deer hunting season is starting next week. "Aha" i say, "that explains why I saw these deer and 6 dead deer on the side of the road driving down here today". I'm a little dissapointed in myself that I didn't know deer hunting season starts any day now. I mean, I watch the outdoor network like everyday. I don't even like hunting or fishing but something about that channel draws me in, I'll admit it. (Maybe If i had cable I'd watch something other than QVC and the Outdoor Network). I've learned a thing or two about hunting and fishing (and the Jack Lelane Juicer but that's from watching QVC).

The only deer I want to see this season is Rudolph, when the 1964 Christmas classic "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" is on tv!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Country Music is Cool

It only took me 23 and a half years to come to this conclusion. I really like country music now! In fact the last two cd's I've purchased have both been country CD's. I never used to like the sound of country music. I know it's become more popish over the years so maybe that's why I like it now because I LOVE pop music...who knows. There are some HOT country rockers too... my fav is Billy Currington.

So the good news I said I'd write more about later...I got promoted and have my own store now! It's an awesome store and I'm so looking forward to everything we're gonna do there!

Couple of shoutouts:
Yay for Hillary turning 21 recently!
Yay for my BFF being a soccer-super star and her team kicking ass this season!

Monday, October 03, 2005

Saturday, Sunday, and Today

The past three days have been really good so let me share a little... I was in WLaf this past Saturday for Abby and Brian's wedding. It was such a good time. Abby looked so beautiful in her kick ass dress. I really liked it...especially the back of her dress. I got to see so many good people at the wedding...Lexie, Hill, Kelly, Jen, Adam, Ross and Rebecca, Heather, Kim and Colin....even some of the regular customers from my old store. Lexie, Kelly Hill and I spent a good portion of the reception on the dance floor. It was fun...I have very little to no rhythm but everyone kept saying how we were gonna dance the night away so I was all for....apparently only the four of us were...we basically had the dance floor to ourselves all night! People did come and go but we were the constants. Another highlight of the evening was the Chocolate fountain! It was this huge fountain gushing all this chocolate and you got to go up to it and dip strawberries, marshmellows cookies and other goodies into it. YUM! So I had a great time seeing everyone and being there to help celebrate!

Sunday was a nice day. I slept in, took my time getting up and then went to lunch w/Lexie. We went to Moe's. Everytime I'm back now we seem to make at least one trip there. It's so good. After that I drove back here. Towards the end of my drive I hit one of the worst thunderstorms I've ever driven in. It was hailing and pouring rain. Peope were driving to slow and pulling over on the side of the road till it let up. Anyway, I made it through the storm just fine. I made it back just in time for a coffee seminar two girls in my store were having. It was really fun and the turnout was way more than we expected and they did a great job!

So that brings us to today. It was dang hot out today for it being the begining of october and VERY humid. I didn't realize it got this humid in october. Today was a really good day I'll write more about it later.


Thursday, September 22, 2005


Guess what? About a week or so ago I was thinking about random things (like I always do) and one of the thoughts I had was, "No one has told me lately that I look like Janeane Garafolo." Guess what happens? Serioulsy 3 days later I am helping a customer and he asks me if I know who Janeane Garafolo is and I smile and say yes I do and he says I look like her and he thinks she's a pretty lady. So I said thank you....haha. If you are unfamiliar w/my previous post about my resemblance to Janeane refer back to my archived blogs for the month of March.

Props to Kelly...she read all my blogs in one sitting! I've been reading this random blog I stumbled across recently about some girl who is newly single and getting back into the world of dating. It is FU-NNY (and very entertaining).

I don't usually like to end my blogs on a downer..BUT since it is MY blog I'm going to this time. Lately I've felt disconnected from people. Not people in general but some people that I know. I just feel like ever since I moved I am missing out on so much in people's lives that I know. It's not b/c we don't talk or anything it's just b/c I'm not there (i think). I'm not seeing these people everyday so i'm missing out on the things that happen everday. I guess that's just part of growing up and heading down the paths we decide to take in life.

One more thing! (I am going to end on a positive) I feel like I am finally starting to establish some real connections w/people here. It's nice!


Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Right now I'm listening to some coolio. I wonder what he's been up to lately? Maybe recording a new album...? who knows. A little while ago I think he was on Vh1's reality program "the surreal life"...?

Anyway, bought 3 books today and got one free. I couldn't decide what to get so I just purchased all the books I wanted. One of the books is called "Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs" and it's all about some guy's anlaysis of pop culture from the last decade or so. What really made me decide to get it is that he devotes a whole chapter to Zack Morris/Saved by the Bell! I also got "A Clockwork Orange". I saw the movie a long time ago and decided I'd read the book. My third book is called "Deep Survival: who lives, who dies and why". It is about the art and science of survival. Sounds pretty interesting. The last book is called "Into the Wild". It is about this guy from a well off family who gets rid of all his money and posessions and decides to go live in the wild...his body was found four months later. He probably needed to read "Deep Survival" before he began his life in the woods. All these books seem like they'll be a pretty good read.

Finally, here's an observation followed by an opinion followed by an order. I don't listen to the radio much up here but it seems whenever I do put it on I hear that DHT song "listen to your heart" One day i was doing lots of driving and i seriously heard the song 13 times. The song isn't that good to be played 13 times in the matter of hours! Especially the crazy techno version. HOWEVER, "listen to your heart" by Roxette from their 1988 album Look Sharp! is an awesome song! This DHT version is just a bad cover of Roxette's song. Remember that!


Sunday, August 28, 2005

Concert, Friends, Scotty's etc.

Wow what a creative title I came up with. I've been sitting here for the last couple of minutes tryign to come up with somethign and this is the best I could come up with. The extremely boring title will have to do

Concert. Ginger, Kelly, Erica and myself went to see Kelly Clarkson at Elliot Hall of Music. It was much fun! We would always sing along to "breakaway" and "since u been gone" at work so when we saw she was coming to town we had to go. There were so many little girls there. A lot of college aged girls too though, so we didnt feel all that out of place...haha. Kelly can rock! Her voice is awesome and she sang a new song from her next album, it was really good...looking forward to it coming out.

Friends. I got to see lots of my buddies this weekend. Spent Friday night w/ Ginger, Kelly and Erica. It was good to see them all. I miss how ginger and I come up w/these elaborate silly stories about things. For instance, we weren't quite sure if we had a fourth person going w/us. So ginger and i come up w/this story about how we will have to tak her cat as our fourth person but that they'd probably tell us no animals allowed. However I DID NOT see any "no animals allowed" signs, just no digital cameras or professional photography. After I hung out w/Lexie and she gave me these personality tests and then we killed red spiders at 2 a.m. Good times! I also got to see my sister who is also my friend. We went to lunch on saturday and just chatted about stuff. It was nice. Tried to hang out w/Kurt but he worked the whole weekend. I also talked w/Lisa (who is Alexa's friend) for a loooong time just hanging out in starbucks wasting time. I enjoyed it.

Scotty's. Ok so we used to go to Scotty's for dinner or lunch like at least once a week for a good few months this past winter/spring. Then we got tired of it, probably gained some weight from it, and probably gave way more of our paychecks to them then we needed to. So we stopped going. Anyway, Lisa, Lexie and I went to dinner there and it was goooooooood! I miss the monty's frisco and waffle fries.

etc. Whenever I go back to visit my old home I realize how much I miss it. I miss my friends mostly. It's always so good to see everyone. I just feel so comfortable when I'm back there. I know where everything is. It seems I can go most places and at least recognize, if not know people just from being around the area for such a long time.

Ok that's it.... Peace

Friday, August 12, 2005

Yay for Presents!

So I bought myself a present today! Since being promoted I have some spending money which is awesome! Anyway, my Ipod has been my best friend lately (not really but I've been using it ALOT). So I decdied I wanted an FM transmitter for it so I could listen to all my songs when driving. I can't wait to try it out. Tomorrow I'm driving down to indy/home for Abby's bachelorette party! Can't wait, I'll get to see Abby, Lexie, Kelly, Hillary and Heather! CAN'T WAIT! I've worked nine days in a row so I could have these two days off. Um lets see what else is going on... talked to Lexie yesterday for the first time since her trip. It was nice chatting w/her. Talked to Kurt last night too...nice chatting w/him since we havent talked in a while. Christine is going to the Clay Aiken concert tonight...i'm jealous! BUT I get to go see Kelly Clarkson exactly 2 weeks from today! Well time for work...can't wait till tonight is done with b/c then I get to go home and see my family and friends!

One More Thing! I think I am falling apart...Last night I sat w/an ice pack on my shoulder and two burn gel packs on my chest and left wrist. My shoulder is doing some funky things and hopefully will be all better soon. I burned myself w/200 degree water last night and it hurt like HELL! I have to say I was quite impressed w/the burn gel stuff b/c it made it feel a lot better. Ok, hopefully next time I update I won't have some other injury to report.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Bad Drivers Really Set Me Off!

So, now that I live in a new town and have been traveling back and forth b/ween my new home and old home I've been experiencing lots of shitty drivers on the way. Each time I am travelling back and forth (about two and a half hours each way) I find myself cursing in between all the singing I do to pass the time. My cursing is in reaction to all the shitty drivers I encounter! I definitely have mild to moderate road rage... I think i get it from my dad. Now I will never be one of those crazy people who try to run bad drivers off the road b/c I get so angry w/them or pull out a gun and start shooting at them (wait I don't own a gun, I do own some bullets however... but now I'm just digressing) like some crazy man did in a made for tv movie w/road rage. However, I do swear at them at the top of my lungs hoping they'll see me in their mirror, flip them the bird, and give them dirty looks and finally I pass them when I've had enough. So here's a few experiences I've had travelling back and forth that really, really pissed me off:

- One day I am driving through this little town making all these turns and zig-zags and this man on a motorcycle is in front of me going seriously 20 mph when the speed limit is 30. I am starting to get mad b/c I hate driving through this town b/c of all the turns and zig-zags and stop lights. Anyway he is looking at everyting but the damn road! After about 10 minutes of following him and yelling he decides to slowly and w/out warning turn to the right on to this small side street. I have to slam by brakes on b/c it took him serioulsy 3 days to make the turn! Soon as he finally turned I sped away and continued singing along to Kelly Clarkson...everything was good again.

- Most of my driving while travelling b/ween homes is through farmland...YAY. There's nothing like the smell of fresh manure and tractors out numbering cars on the road. These tractors piss me off too. They also drive super slow and hold up traffic. I can't stand when traffic is held up b/c there's a tractor on the road and it's in a no passing zone. Then you have the people who won't pass them once we are in a passing zone. Yes, passing can be scary, but we are out in the middle of no where so there's usually plenty of oppurtunities to pass...unless there's tractors going in both directions holding up traffic. Anyway, this gets me evertyime!

-Finally this isn't really about a bad driver just a cocky driver whos ego can be measured by all the stupid bumpers stickers he has on the back of his "pimped out" eclipse. I saw this driving through the town I hate to drive through. First it made me mad at how oblivious this perosn was, then I just laughed. I am driving behind this Eclipse and he has one of those stupid calvin from calvin and hobbes stickers on it peeing on some rival car's company name. He also had some bumper sticker saying something along the lines of size matters, and finally he had a bumper sticker that said soemthing to the affect of "no fat girls allowed b/c my car bottoms out easily". I was like man if only I could see this stud! Sure enough he stops and parks in front of a building AND we get a red light. I'm thinking "Yes I get to see this cocky bastard...if he ever gets his ass out of his tinted, spoilered, decaled, hot car" Finally, he lifts himself out and what do you know!? he himself is tubby bordering on fat! I was like come on! You put that bumper sticker on your car and YOU are fat! I so wanted to yell something at him about himself being fat, but I didn't. I didn't have the guts to do it.

Anyway, yea those are a few of my enounters w/bad drivers


Saturday, July 23, 2005

Columbus Ohio

I just got back from W Laf tonight. Drove home w/the windows down and sun roof open singing to Madonna It was good times. Went down there on friday to head to Columbus w/Lexie to see Tegan and Sara. We were so excited that they were finally coming to the midwest that we bought our tickets as soon as they mentioned somewhere remotely close to us. Turns out like a day later they announced they were coming to Indy which would have been only an hour drive for us rather than a three and a half hour drive. Oh was Flippin awesome! The drive there was pretty easy. Lasy year we went to theRufus/Ben Folds show in Illinios. Today we were saying that every year we need to go to a show that is far away and make it a tradition.

So anyway, The venue was very close to the ohio state campus. The campus from what we saw was pretty nice...seems like a cool college town.

Ok, about the i already said, it was a rockin good time! The newport music hall had this cool feel to it. We were pretty close to the stage and for the most part had a good view. Little Brazil and Communique opened for them. We had never heard of either of the bands but were really impressed w/them. After the show they were all out front by the merchandise and we talked to them. They were cool guys! The keyboardist from Communique is really dang cute! We got our picture taken w/him and the lead singer : )
So it was finally time for Tegan and Sara to come on and the crowd pretty much went crazy. It was exciting. I commented to Lexie how good their voices were live...I was impressed. They sang stuff from "So Jealous" and some of their old stuff too. It was all good. For their encore they sang the first song I ever heard of theirs/all time favorite song of theirs "My Number". It made me smile real big when I heard that song. The show was great! BUT THE NIGHT WASN'T OVER YET...

We walked outside and decided to walk down the back alley and lo and behold there was the tour we waited around for about 15-20 minutes to see if they'd make an appearance. We just passed the time chit chatting trying to decide if we'd see them or not. I happen to be looking down the alley and I say to alexa "dude there they are..." sure enough there was Tegan and Sara making their way over. So we are like "let's go!" and we walk up and all of a sudden I got way starstruck. I've never really met anyone "famous" before. We told them that the show was great! We asked if we could take our picture w/them and they were awesome and said sure. So we have this kick ass picture of us w/them. We also had them sign our posters too. Then we left so everyone else could see them. In the midst of everyone approaching them, some fan burnt Tegan on the arm w/her cigarette.

Well that's all. I'm glad we finally got to see Tegan and Sara Lexie! Oh and one last thing...Sara has a sweet hairstyle!


Thursday, July 21, 2005


Can't really think of an exciting title so I'll just leave it at that. So what have I been up to? Not a whole lot other than work. It's a good thing I love my job! Our third store opened last week and so far so good! I'm happy to finally be in a permanent place. All our new partners are awesome and I think we are going to have a kick-ass store!

So the other night I am in my room and glance down at my phone and what do i see!? It is roaming....ROAMING! I DO NOT live out in the middle of no where... there's a walmart, starbucks, lowes and other various businesses all w/in a half a mile of my why am I not getting any signal? It's odd too b/c I've lived here now for 6 weeks and I haven't had this problem until the other day. It's quite frustrating. Tomorrow I will be going to the Sprint Store to resolve this.

What else...hmmm. Talked to Neil the other day. Yay! I miss him. Got a wedding invitation in the mail from my old roomie Julie (aka Teddy)! Yay for her and Ben getting married!

One more thing. I joined myspace the other day. Just like facebook it is pretty addicting. Originally I was only going to accept people who were actually my friends but since I don't know anyone up here I figured I'd accept anyone who wants to be my "friend". Everytime I check it I have new friend requests and new messages from people. I'm pretty hesitant to actually meet someone from the internet though...who knows....we'll see.

That's all for now....peace

Sunday, July 10, 2005


Just listening to some music and I thought I'd update. I'm listening to Howie Day right now. There's something about his voice that I love. Him and Coldplay are in heavy rotation in my itunes right now.

Anyway, what's new? Had two days off in a row again so I went back to Wlaf and took care of some apartment stuff and visited w/my friends of course! I really miss being around them. Chatted w/Lexie while I did some apartment stuff then we went to dinner w/Hill and Becky. It was good times just hanging out.

After that I went home to see my family and my best friend Kel. Had a really great time at home seeing all of them. It was pretty cool Kelly and I sat outside on Friday night talking about life until 2 a.m. Having conversations about life every so often w/someone important to you is nice. It was a good convo. At one point we were talking about highschool which got me thinking that she's the person I've been friends w/the longest since moving to IN. We've been friends for 8 years now. That's pretty awesome. I'm glad we got to hangout kel! Hope everything w/your knee is alright though!

So recently it seems like everyone is trying to set me up. I say bring it on! A different date every night until I find the right one!

Finally a shout out to a certain someone for making progess w/her crush today! I am definitely a smidge jealous b/c he sounds like a super great person from what I've heard.


Thursday, June 23, 2005

I'm in LOVE

I'm in love with Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. Up here in michiana they rerun Oprah episodes at night which is great. I can catch them at night if I miss oprah during the daytime. Anyway, tonight they re-aired the episode where tom cruise acts like a freak on national television. Well that's what I thought until I actually saw the episode. He's not a freak....he's totally in love! Hillary and Alexa saw the original airing and said that Tom and Katie's love for each other was infectious. I'll admit I was like "um ok suuuree." But they were right, it is completely infectous. It made me feel good just watching them. Tom talks about how he is a romantic and likes taking the woman he loves on the back of his motorcycle, scuba diving, and of course showering her with flowers. I want that! Well that's about it..... Cheers

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

hello my friends!

I truly apologize to all those who have visited my blog 67.843 times in the past few weeks only to see I haven't updated since my hot tamale incident. Well I've been away laid up in the hospital.... turns out my hot tamale situation got much, much worse! Just kidding, I've actually just been busy w/stuff and haven't really thought about blogging. Well anyway since I've last blogged I've moved away! I left the place I've spent the past five years of my life, my comfort zone, to come to a new place where I really don't know anyone or much about the area! The first night here I was like WTF did I just do!? But things got much better the next day. My job at a certain coffee shop has brought me here. I wanted a new experience w/work and in life and felt this was the time to do it.

So here I am almost a week later and as of right now things are good, no major complaints. Everyone up here is really nice and have made me feel very welcome. Our new store is awesome! So big and has all this cool stuff! My apartment is pretty sweet too...JUST EMPTY! Once I get all my stuff up here it'll be a nice place. This is my first time living alone and I think i'll like it but miss having someone to talk with or just chill with...Must find a boyfriend (and some friends, of course)! Lexie you've been a great roomie this past year, I hope I was too!

My sister and I decided that when she comes up to visit me we are going to become fat asses. I live by sooo many places we love to eat. We were joking that when mom asks us what we did all we'll say is "well we ate, then went to the store, then ate, then couldn't find anything else to do so we went and ate some more" I won't let that happen! I'm gonna buy a bike and become a biker!

So friends and family, you all mean way more to me than you'll ever know! Just b/c we are all further apart now doesn't mean that I don't think about you. Ma, pa, sis and bro come visit me whenever, love you! My friends at the buck, old and new, you all have been the most invovled in my life this past year and mean so much to me! You are ALL welcome to come visit whenever, and BETTER come visit as I plan on visiting you guys whenever I get the chance! All my friends who live in some place other than indiana I miss you but my move doesnt really have any affect on you since we are already separated. My best friends, Kelly, Suz, and Kate we don't talk nearly as often as we used to or see eachoter but I think about you all everyday! Come visit me and I plan to come visit you all in your respective new places!

Side Note: I am listening to the new Coldplay cd for free right now and it is pretty flipping good! check it out.

well time to go watch a movie or read...until next time cheers!
: )

Friday, May 20, 2005

Never Again!

Never again will I eat a 1/2 pound box of the hot tamale candies over the course of two days! Last Friday Lexie, Jenny, and I rented the movie "Saved". (Lexie and I had already seen it but we really liked it so we were up for seeing it again) While at Blockbuster I decided I wanted some candy and got some Hot Tamales b/c I hadn't had them in years and they were calling my name.... "Christina! EAT US! Lets have a Fiesta!" So anway we are watching Saved and I'm chowing down on my hot tamales and some pizza with lots of spices. IF only I knew what those Hot Tamales had planned for me.....

So now it's Saturday and I had to work that night, so I just sat on my ass all afternoon eating the rest of my hot tamales. I can eat about 10 at a time before I have to take a lil break, but I'm a trooper so I kept eating. By now the box is about 2/3 of the way gone......about 9 or so got spilled at Jenny's but I've eaten every other one. The rest of my Saturday went like this.... Go to work. Come home. Eat hot tamales. Go to bed.

Sunday-- Get up for work. Work. About 6 hours into my shift my mouth is starting to feel really hurts and is F-ing w/my ear, nose and throat! "I'm like what the biff is going on here!?" I think about it for a few and then realize it's the damn tamales. I should have realized this would happen... I can only chew a piece of cinnamon gum for like 5.8 seconds before it starts to irrate my mouth. Anyway, I get home and my sister and I decided to go get some mexican food! I say Bring on the spiceyness! I can handle it....Turns out I couldn't! I messed up my mouth real bad!

Monday...It's a good thing all I had to do that day was read b/c it hurt to talk. The hot Tamales had F-ed w/my mouth big time! Sorry for all the complaining I did that day...

Anyway, here I am a week later and my mouth is still recovering. It's basically better but I've definitely learned my lesson. It's not wise to eat a 1/2 pound box of hot tamales (six servings according to the box which Alexa read) in the course of 24 hours. It's also not a good idea to go pig out on chips and salsa when you have a mouth that's already irrated from hot things. I think I remember now why I hadn't had hot tamales in years... It's time for another 3-5 year break.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

"Boys! Sometimes a girl just needs one"

Sing it Brit! I need a boy real bad. I want a guy to take me out on dates... I want a guy to make out with (the doorway just isn't cutting it anymore {only like 2 people at most will even understand that comment, but it will be funny to them!})... I want to be wooed! I haven't been on a date since like early last fall! WTF? I. AM. GREAT. Boys should be lining up to ask me out!! Wow, that sounds pretty full of myself, but hey it is the gosh dang truth! It's sad, I haven't even met any new guys in a LONG time to even form any real crushes on. I do however have my work crush. We all have that one customer, or in some cases there's some of us (ahem, Alexa) who have like 15.798998 customer crushes. Since my work crush is a crush from afar nothing will ever happen....sigh! I get all flustered and girly in front of him and feel like I'm making an idiot out of myself, but it's kinda fun. I guess I have another crush that I've had for over a year now, but he lives far far away...booo. So maybe another positive thing about moving is a whole new city of guys! I feel like I've met every guy there is to meet here...well not really, but still. Anyway, I'm gonna go listen to some Britney Spears!


Thursday, May 05, 2005

My ultimate fantasy was realized the other day...

The other day I am thinking to myself "I want a diet coke". For those of you who don't know I love me some DC. Anyway, I have my window wide open and happen to glance out it while I am picking some money off the floor. What do I see...? A .COKE. TRUCK! What am I wearing? My awesome coca cola shirt! So i go down the stairs to the coke machine and there rolling in a whole bunch of coke products is the DIET COKE MAN! Remember the diet coke commercial from the mid/late 90's where all the office women got all googly-eyed when the hot diet coke guy made the deliveries? well... IT WAS THAT GUY! So he says "hey" to me in a real sexy way and then says that my coke t-shirt is pretty hot. He throws down his dolly of Coke bottles, picks me up and we drove off in the coke truck into the sunset! HA no actually that did not happen. That's what I was hoping for as i walked down the stairs and saw a heavy set guy instead......I was shocked back to reality real quick. Coca Cola rules!

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Has it really been a year?

Wow so I've basically been out of school for a year now... really hard to believe. I've been thinking lately about how quickly this past year has flown by. This time last year I was attempting to study for my last exams and starting a job that I really didn't want all that much but definitely needed. So much has changed since then. I've met lots of new people and friends. on the flipside, I've also lost touch w/some people...kinda sad. The people who are important to me though still hear from me and I still hear from them! yay. One person in particular is Neil. Even though he lives in the bottom half of the country now, we still talk. That's more than I can say about some people who live 5 minutes away! Everytime him and I hang up the phone I find myself saying that I miss him. I miss you Neil!! Anyway this past year has been pretty good and I'm excited to see where the next year takes me.

I purchased season 1 of arrested development on DVD the other day AND the box set of The office seasons 1&2 and the Special. Let me just say that Jason Bateman is way YUM! So anyway I'll be watching a lot of AD and the office in the coming weeks.


Saturday, April 23, 2005

AH Memories!

I love reminiscing. It makes me smile when I think back over the years. It also makes me feel WAY old... Anyway, one of the people I talk most w/about the past is Christine (aka Xtine). She's a friend of mine from MI. It's weird b/c in MI we were friends but I wouldn't say we were great friends and since moving to IN like 8 years ago she's become the one person from MI that i have kept in touch w/ the most over the years. We seriously talk to each other every day multiple times a day on the computer (yay for instant messenger, one of the greatest inventions ever!). Usually it's just shooting the shit about stuff like american idol or music or such. Every so often though, we chat about the good ole days and I love it b/c I think about Michigan and how I really grew up there. So thanks Xtine! You are the best online friend a person could have! (and a great friend in general)

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Gary Rocks!

With some help from my friend Xtine in MI I found this awesome webpage all about the fat kid singing the dutch techno. I had a link to his video performance a few entries back. Anyway, it is a song by some Romanian group called "O-Zone" but the kid who made the song famous is named Gary and he's from New York. This website is very informative so check it out:

Keep on Rockin' Gary!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Poopy shit! I just deleted my entire entry! oh well i guess i'll recap what I typed out and then proceeded to delete:

  • I'm back from south bend...Holla!
  • I bought myself a digital camera for my birthday so some kick ass pictures will be soon to come
  • I'm really enjoying the great weather we've been having recently. I really have the urge to go golf and I've come up with a grand plan to ask a certain someone if he lets hope he does!

That is the very summarized version of what I originally wrote.

Till next time......cheers!

Monday, April 04, 2005

It's been awhile...

So let's see...I haven't written much lately. Anyway, I've been up in South Bend for the past week w/Star Team helping open a new store. I have two days off so I came back home to sleep in my own bed and see my friends. It's kinda boring/lonely being in a town where you don't know anyone, so it's nice to be back here for a couple days. It's been pretty cool in South Bend w/the store though. Damn busy on opening day. I dont think i've ever come home from a shift as tired as I did that day. My brain was fried from coaching/teaching all the new partners. But I like doing it. I wish I could be a member of Star Team longer but I have my panel interview for management may 2nd. That's exciting though! I'll give up my star team membership to move up w/the company. So here's some highlights of my time in South Bend so far:
- MY BIRTHDAY! I turned 23 april 2nd...holla for that! I wasn't expecting much this birthday. HOWEVER i was waaaaay wrong. Even though I had to work 8 hours on my birthday it was pretty awesome --giving the circumstances of where I was and all. No partying this year however. My past two birthdays (21 and 22) where pretty fun out at the bars, however not one drop of alcohol this year. Anyway lets see. My birthday wishes/celebration this year started at 6:30 a.m. when i was awoken to my phone ringing. it was Alexa, Adam, and Beth calling from work to sing happy birthday to me. haha i was half asleep but it was pretty cool. Then at 7:30 Jen sent me a text message saying happy birthday and I just realized now I never thanked her..oops. Thanks for the B-day wishes Jen! Later on in the day Hillary ,Ross, kelly and Alexa (again) sang to me too. Todd missed out on the singing so he called later on to say happy birthday. Adam called me too to see how things were going up there and say happy birthday. I also recieved phone calls that day from two of my best friends, Kelly and Suzanne...yay! Everyone of my family members called me AND they sent me flowers to the store. That made me smile My grandma called... I love my grandma so much : ) ! My aunt in Sweden called too! I was meeting w/ District Manager that day to discuss some things and she had a birthday cake for me that I shared w/everyone at work..and some customers too! One of the members on Star Team even got me a giftcard to Borders. He's a pretty cool guy and Amanda's lucky she gets to work w/him all the time since they work in the same store. So all in all my birthday was pretty awesome. I was hoping that a certain someone in particular would have wished me a happy birthday but oh well it was still great anyway!
- Meeting w/my DM. Let me just say I have an awesome DM. When you talk w/her about our company she's so excited about it, it makes you more excited. Anyway we talked about my future w/starbucks and all the possibilites/oppurtunities I have in the coming months. So it's given me a lot to think about and gotten me super jazzed about everyting. Oh I also got my black apron! woo woo I am a coffee master!
- So yea, about my resemblanc to Janeane Garofalo... TWO more people told me I look at her. One was a girl who works at the store in south bend and another was a customer. They both told me it was cool and a good thing. I just find it so strange that all of a sudden I'm being told this on a regular basis

Well I think that's about it. Life is good. Thanks to everyone who made my birthday great. To my old friends and new... you guys are great!


Monday, March 21, 2005

Say what!?

So does everyone know of the actress Janeane Garofalo? If not take a look at her profile on imdb (
Some of her roles include The Cable Guy, Dogma, Wet Hot American Summer, and my personal fav Romy and Michelle's High School reunion. My sister and I crack up everytime Michelle (Lisa Kudrow) gets hit by the limo and goes over the top and falls off the back. Well anyway, I've never been told that I resemble anyone famous up until about 6 months ago. I've been told two times in the past six months that I look like Janeane Garofalo. I work at a coffee shop and two different customers have said something to the likes of "Do you know who you look like?" and I'm like "uh no, who?" and they say Janeane Garofalo. My reaction to them is a smile and "oh really?" In my head I am thinking UH I DO NOT LOOK LIKE HER! The two customers who have told me this are way different. The first one is this middle ages woman who is a pleasant lady and always pretty friendly to me. The other customer who told me is this younger woman and my impression of her isn't as good as the other customer. One day she came in and was digging through her purse to pay w/all change (which didn't bother me) what did bother me was the fact that her loose change in the bottom of her purse was mixed in with not one but TWO cigarette butts...who the hell carries nasty old cigarette butts in their purse. So anyway yea, she also told me I look like Janeane. I guess the mental image I have of Janeane is of a sloppy, frumpy woman from the roles i've seen her in, which is not me! So anyway I decided to look up some pics of her on google image and happily I've foudn some pics of Janeane looking pretty hot (i'm trying to complement myself here too)...haha. I showed some of them to alexa and we came to the conclusion that there is a definite resemblance (however I'm hotter, imo). There are some similiar facial features but Jen, Alexa, and I agreed that my hair needs to be way darker for a real resemblance. I've decided that I guess it's kinda cool to resemble an actress and that I have no problem that it is Janeane Garofalo. Here is a pic of her ( ) and a pic of me ( ...let me know what you think. Peace!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Here we go...

My first blog. My friends' blogs have inspired me to share my own thoughts, experiences, rantings etc. with anyone and everyone who feels like reading them. Particularly Alexa, Hillary, and Kim's ... I always look forwarding to reading what ya'll have to say so I hope you enjoy mine! Anyway, this first entry is boring as hell BUT THIS IS JUST THE BEGINING! I promise it'll get better. Welcome everyone and I'll check ya later.

Check this out...this dude is awesome and makes me laugh lots:

Saturday, March 19, 2005