Thursday, September 22, 2005


Guess what? About a week or so ago I was thinking about random things (like I always do) and one of the thoughts I had was, "No one has told me lately that I look like Janeane Garafolo." Guess what happens? Serioulsy 3 days later I am helping a customer and he asks me if I know who Janeane Garafolo is and I smile and say yes I do and he says I look like her and he thinks she's a pretty lady. So I said thank you....haha. If you are unfamiliar w/my previous post about my resemblance to Janeane refer back to my archived blogs for the month of March.

Props to Kelly...she read all my blogs in one sitting! I've been reading this random blog I stumbled across recently about some girl who is newly single and getting back into the world of dating. It is FU-NNY (and very entertaining).

I don't usually like to end my blogs on a downer..BUT since it is MY blog I'm going to this time. Lately I've felt disconnected from people. Not people in general but some people that I know. I just feel like ever since I moved I am missing out on so much in people's lives that I know. It's not b/c we don't talk or anything it's just b/c I'm not there (i think). I'm not seeing these people everyday so i'm missing out on the things that happen everday. I guess that's just part of growing up and heading down the paths we decide to take in life.

One more thing! (I am going to end on a positive) I feel like I am finally starting to establish some real connections w/people here. It's nice!


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