Friday, August 12, 2005

Yay for Presents!

So I bought myself a present today! Since being promoted I have some spending money which is awesome! Anyway, my Ipod has been my best friend lately (not really but I've been using it ALOT). So I decdied I wanted an FM transmitter for it so I could listen to all my songs when driving. I can't wait to try it out. Tomorrow I'm driving down to indy/home for Abby's bachelorette party! Can't wait, I'll get to see Abby, Lexie, Kelly, Hillary and Heather! CAN'T WAIT! I've worked nine days in a row so I could have these two days off. Um lets see what else is going on... talked to Lexie yesterday for the first time since her trip. It was nice chatting w/her. Talked to Kurt last night too...nice chatting w/him since we havent talked in a while. Christine is going to the Clay Aiken concert tonight...i'm jealous! BUT I get to go see Kelly Clarkson exactly 2 weeks from today! Well time for work...can't wait till tonight is done with b/c then I get to go home and see my family and friends!

One More Thing! I think I am falling apart...Last night I sat w/an ice pack on my shoulder and two burn gel packs on my chest and left wrist. My shoulder is doing some funky things and hopefully will be all better soon. I burned myself w/200 degree water last night and it hurt like HELL! I have to say I was quite impressed w/the burn gel stuff b/c it made it feel a lot better. Ok, hopefully next time I update I won't have some other injury to report.

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